3 Unakites Tumbled, 3 Unakite Stones, 3 Smooth Tumbled Unakite Crystals, Witchy Unakite, Unakite for Spells
Magickal Correspondences
Chakra(s): Heart, Sacral
Elements: Earth
Magickal Properties:
Grounding, guidance, (animal) magick, (remove) negativity, optimism, peace, (personal) power, self-work and transformation.
To clear stones and crystals of energies and charge it with your intention:
- Use sea salt - burying the stone in the salt over night
- Put the stones into direct, full sunlight for a day or two
- Use sage, Palo Santo or other ritual clearing smoke to clear the crystal
- Use Reiki energy to clear and re-energize your crystal
This listing is for 3 Tumbled Unakites as shown, with an information card of correspondences. Sizes may vary, image 2 shows scale with a U.S. coin.
Note: The information above is for entertainment purposes only.
Tumble Unakite Stones
SKU: StoneUnakite