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Imbolc Spray, Sabbat Clearing Spray, Witches Sabbat Spray, Imbolc Clearing, Essential Oil Spray


The Arachne's Web sprays are made for those who want to purify and clear space and items, but either can't use smoke for health or other reasons, or just prefer to use another option. I began making sprays because I have asthma, and being around any smoke - including smoke from Sage or Palo Santo - makes me cough and wheeze.  I wanted a way to consecrate and clear my space and my tools and myself, and to enjoy the soothing scents of essential oils, but found I had to be very careful about what form and how strong those scents were.


Over the years, I experimented with many different types of sprays. I tried a variety of oils and essential oils, from multiple suppliers. Many of them gave me allergy headaches and some made me cough or get a runny nose. I finally discovered that the only option for me was to use essential oils, in relatively light saturation, with pure carrier oils or water for sprays. No chemicals, no additives.


The sprays I make today are made with distilled water that has been charged under the full moon and with essential oils. I also include gems and crystals in the bottles that are appropriate to the purpose of each spray. They sprays are Reiki charged, and spend 1 full moon cycle (1 month) on my altar. 


This spray was designed specifically for Imbolc (February 2nd) and designed to clear the space for ritual for this sacred holiday. The essential oils are chosen specifically for their connection with the energies of Imbolc. The bottle contains chips of amethyst and turquoise for their connection to Imbolc.


The bottle is shipped capped tightly, with a sprayer. The whole thing is enclosed in a zip lock bag to prevent leaking, because that is a requirement from the USPS. This is to avoid any potential for leaking during shipping.


Arachne's Web have switched to using PET plastic spray bottles for our sprays. This decision was arrived at because of several sprays breaking in the mail this year.  Please reuse and recycle the bottles appropriately.


You will receive one 4 oz. bottle of spray.


Note: This information is for entertainment purposes only.

Sabbat Clearing Spray: Imbolc

SKU: ImbolcSabbatSpray
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