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Peppermint Leaf Organic for Magic, Peppermint leaf


Class: Medicinal, Culinary and Magical Herb



Used in teas, medicainal preparations and cooking for ages, peppermint is a kitchen classic. Given as a tea by mothers for generations for upset tummies, peppermint is cooling and can help a bit with nausea.



Used in teas, cooking to add a wonderul finishing flavor in stews and casseroles - add just a pinch to bring flavors alive. Used in soaks for strains and sprains for it's cooling and anti-inflammatory effects. Used in magic per the below information.



Latin:  Mentha Piperita
Gender:   Masculine
Planetary:   Mercury
Zodiac:    Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Virgo
Elements:   Air, Fire
Chakras:   Throat
Gods:    Pluto, Zeus 

Magical Properties:

Action, Activation, Awareness, Banishing, Calm, Change, Clarity, Concentration, Divination, Dream Work, Energy, Intelligence, Luck, Lust, (quick) Mind, Money, (mental) Power, Psychic Ability, Purification, Release, Stimulation, Strength, Stress, Trust and Visions. 


Medicinal Properties:

Peppermint is a cooling herb. Used in soaks, it may help reduce the swelling associated with minor sprais and strains. Try combining with Comfrey Leaf and or Root (I'll get them up here soon).

The tea can be good to settle an upset stomach.



While the essential oil has some contraindications, the herb is generally considered safe for teas and soaks.


You will receive: 1 ounce of Organic Peppermint Leaf.

Peppermint Leaf Organic for Magic

SKU: HerbPeppermint
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